White Sesame Seeds

White Sesame seeds are tiny, and oil rich seeds that have many health benefits.It is an integral part in many cuisines.This have a mild,nutty and sweet flavour.Due to the presence of sesamolin compounds in these seeds these act as antioxidant and antibacterial properties.These tiny seeds are so good and beneficial and the nutrition in white sesame seed contains protein,fibre,calcium,antioxidants along with vitamin B and E.

As this is a good source of fibre, it reduces the risk of heart disease,cancer and obesity.It also aids in lowering the blood pressure as it contains magnesium.Also Magnesium has been recognised as a vasodilator.It also assists in managing diabetes and reduce blood glucose levels.As it has protein in it it helps to strengthen bones,muscles and tissues in the body.Vitamin E present tin sesame seed oil supports immune system and also promotes vascular health.It also supports in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.These tiny seeds are also used to treat anaemia.

Jeddai agros is a certified and reputed manufacturer of spices.We deliver the premium quality white sesame seeds online.These seeds are tested and processed as per quality standards.


White Sesame Seeds


10 kg, 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg

Package Type

Single Pack / Bag, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 5kg


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