Jeera Singapore

Cumin is said to be one of the oldest species on earth.It is an excellent source of iron and dietary fibre as it fights diseases and reduces your chances of falling sick.It also serve as a good detoxifying agents as it contains Cumin aldehyde,thymol and phosphorous.

Drinking Jeera water everyday will flush out the toxins from the body and produces bile and benefit the liver.Vitamin E present in the Cumin helps to keep the skin tight and moist as it is skin friendly antioxidants.It is also an excellent anti-congestive agent and helps to clear mucus accumulation in lungs,bronchi and trachea.It is packed with minerals and vitamins like riboflavin,vitamin B6,zeaxanthin and niacin that makes the brain to function properly.IT also helps in promoting better mental health and sharpen the memory and nourish the brain cells.

Jeddai agros are engaged in manufacturing and supplying best quality Cumin seeds at reasonable prices.All these products are tested on predefined parameters and are freshly packed.We ensure standard products and get the quality spices that makes the food flavorful and delicious.


Jeera Singapore

Continue Shopping SKU JED10058 Categories , Tag

10 kg, 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg

Package Type

Single Pack / Bag, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 5kg


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